Welcome to Power Maths
Welcome to Power Maths and the Mastery Approach.
Psalm 90:12 'So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom'
During the academic year 2018/9, we began an exciting journey working alongside our local Maths hub. The hub is funded by the DFE and part of NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics) . The aims of the NCETM are to "raise levels of achievement in maths, and to increase appreciation of the power and wonder of maths, across the school..." The Maths Hub Programme allows us to work collaboratively with other schools in the Teaching For Mastery Programme. Our Primary Mastery Specialist and head teacher work closely with the NNW Maths hub delivering workgroups and supporting other schools with the implementation of Teaching for Mastery on their behalf.
The underpinning idea in teaching for mastery is that ALL children CAN achieve. This supports our vision and aims for Maths at Balderstone St Leonard's School.
As a result of the work and research we undertook in 2018/9, we have now adopted a scheme of work that is approved by the DfE. All children from Reception to Y6 are taught Maths through our " Power Maths" scheme. If you were unable to attend our parent workshops and would like to find out more about how we deliver Maths at school, the presentation below will give you a taster of what our Mastery Curriculum looks like.
In addition to Power Maths, we also deliver the "Mastering Number" programme to KS1. In September 2023, we will begin the implementation of "Mastering Number in KS2". Both of these programmes are designed to help children with the recall of key number facts: number bonds and multipliaction and division facts. We also make use of NCETM Curriculum prioritisation materials and White Rose resources where appropriate.
Meet the Characters
How can you help?
- PLEASE PLEASE support us with the mindset that EVERYONE CAN achieve in Maths.
Even if your own experiences of maths were negative and you struggled with the subject, please try and talk positively about it
- Encourage your child to be like the characters they come across in class…..
-What would Dexter do ?....... Be determined and not give up
-What would Astrid do?.....She would be brave an unafraid of making mistakes.
- How can we be more like Flo?.... Try and be flexible and try and come up with more methods/solutions etc.
- Please spend a little time with your child each day ensuring they know their number bonds (KS1) and times tables to 12x12 (KS2) as knowing these are key to success in Maths.
- One further way in which you can help your child on a regular basis is to discuss Maths in every day life. It is important that children see the relevance of the subject and see mathematical thinking in context.
- If you would like to come in to talk to the children about how you use Maths in your job/career, we would love to hear from you.
Our calculations policy has been reviewed in line with the 2014 National Curriculum.It is vital that the methods we teach in school are reinforced at home and that children are not confused by being taught alternative methods: such as those that we as adults may have learned in our school days. If you have any questions or need clarification about the methods, please do not hesitate to come in and ask. We appreciate some methods are very different! Or, as an alternative, why not ask your child if they can teach you - being able to explain develops their own understanding and reasoning skills.
NB Our policies are under review and being updated in line with the Mastery approach and Power Maths. They will be uploaded once they have been approved.