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School Council

A Message From The School Council

The School Council is made up of democratically elected representatives.

Pupils nominate themselves; ballot papers issued, and a secret vote takes place. Other members of their year group vote for one boy and one girl to be their class representatives.

The School Council is the voice of the children in school. The children can speak to their representatives about any matter they wish. The School Council member will then report back to the committee meetings, which are held frequently. Other ways children can have their say is the suggestion box or speaking to the School Council Link Coordinator (Mrs Burton).

The School Council has a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary.  Minutes of the meeting are taken. All the children have their say and speak for their class.  The representatives report back to their classes on any decisions that are made during the meeting.

The School Council raises funds by making and serving toast every day and enjoying waffles on waffle Wednesday once a month. There is a charge of £6.50 per term.   The money raised goes back into school and over the years they have bought a friendship bench, cooker, netball posts and PE equipment and outdoor games.  All the children benefit from the end of term treats, Easter egg hunts, competitions and prizes and they have also contributed towards enhancing the reading areas in each classroom these are just a few of the things.  More recently the children have donated to the new classroom.  They also organise parent lunches for each year group, this is a time when parents can join their child for lunch.  They have also requested themed lunches such as ‘The King’s Coronation lunch, Teddy bear’s picnic, Harry Potter banquet lunch and have had a delicious chocolate fountain fruit kebab.  If you would like your child to support the School Council and have a morning snack, please log on to your ParentMail account and purchase the ‘Toast’ item every term.

The School Council supports children’s charities throughout the year including Comic Relief, and Children in Need. They have also supported Christian Aid and the Food Bank.  The School Council have also made donations to the school’s own History Council to help them achieve a History Quality Mark.

Apart from fundraising and supporting charities throughout the year we also look at environmental issues and so far, have achieved the Bronze and Silver Eco School Awards

The School Council through its members want to make Balderstone a warm, welcoming, safe, happy and friendly school where children’s opinions are listened to and are acted upon.