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Sport and Healthy Living Week

A fun, action packed week where we learned a lot about how to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Children were introduced to new sports and clubs; learned about the importance of sportsmanship and the values through which we can participate. 

KS2 children learned about Growth Mindset in sports with George, the skipping man...."can't do it......YET!"

We participated in some democratic elections, where children who wanted to be in the new Sports Council presented their reasons and how they could contribute; children voted  for a boy and girl in their class. 

We asked both pupils and parents to complete questionnaires about lifestyle so that we can plan ways to help children make small improvements to their diets and activity and we planned the launch of our change for life club with Miss Moosa and Mrs Pinnington.

By participating in a sponsored skip, we raised money for the British Heart Foundation and FOBS.

Everyone in school had a wonderful week; children have been inspired. We hope that their experiences stay with them for life!

We hope you enjoy looking at some of the photographs.